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Erie UpLink is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization committed to linking Erie families with resources to fulfill their basic life needs, including connecting Erie families with opportunities to be of service to one another.

Our grassroots non-profit organization was founded in 2011 by three Erie moms: Lexi Cire, Stephanie Short and Lisa Knudsen, who witnessed needs that were going unmet in our town. Knowing that Erie is a community with a real heart to care for one another, they formed Erie UpLink as a "link"
between those who have a need and those who desire to give.

We are a 100% volunteer run organization, funded mainly by community donations and every penny we spend stays in Erie.

"All that matters is faith expressing itself through love."

Galations 5:6

Our Mission

Our mission is to "link" those who have with those who may be in need. We are Erie people helping Erie people.

Children in Indoor Playground
Our Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is a community of Caring in Erie where folks work together to empower and assist one another in times of need.

We Need Your Support Today!

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